Day Nursery Playing Area Day Nursery Garden Area Day Nursery Playing Area Day Nursery Color Activity Day Nursery Children Activity Day Nursery Children Activity Day Nursery Activity Area

Strawberry (Pre-School)

Our pre-school room provides a stimulating and inspiring environment designed to assist children, aged between 3 years and 5 years, with more structured learning and play. The planning of activities is designed to hone children’s confidence, independence and willingness to learn.

The balance in timetable will shift to more adult-led activities to prepare children for more formal learning methods. Our staff will deliver effective teaching and learning to enable children to progress and be ready for school.

The activities do not move completely away from play but incorporate early stage reading, writing, mathematics and ICT.

Our pre-school daily routine is flexible but follows the approximate timetable:

• 0800 hours – Nursery opens, welcome children, self registration (where applicable), preparation for breakfast
• 0800 hours to 0830 hours – Breakfast
• 0830 hours to 0900 hours – Free play
• 0900 hours to 1030 hours – Free flow activities, preparation for snack time, snack time
• 1030 hours to 1100 hours – Adult-led activity time
• 1100 hours to 1130 hours – Indoor tidy time, outdoor time
• 1130 hours to 1145 hours – Preparation for lunchtime
• 1145 hours to 1230 hours – Lunchtime
• 1230 hours to 1430 hours – Sleep time or quiet time
• 1430 hours to 1530 hours – Outdoor time, adult-led activity time, preparation for teatime
• 1530 hours to 1600 hours – Teatime
• 1600 hours to 1630 hours – Indoor tidy time
• 1630 hours to 1700 hours – Outdoor time, outdoor tidy time
• 1700 hours to 1730 hours – Free play
• 1745 hours to 1800 hours – Story time
• 1800 hours – Nursery closes

Scheduled nappy changes are, unless required more frequently, at 0830 hours, 1030 hours, 1430 hours and 1630 hours.