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We fully appreciate that regular assessments are key to helping parents, carers and our staff. All assessments, available to parents and carers at any time, allow our staff to recognise the progress of children, plan activities appropriately and identify areas where additional support might be needed.

We will provide a daily update on each child’s activities, comprehensive weekly newsletters and hold regular parent evenings to discuss progress and findings in a more formal environment. We keep records of each child’s development throughout their time with us and these records move with the children throughout their time at Cherish Day Nursery.

Additionally, at the end of the EYFS when a child reaches the age of five (or, whenever a child leaves for school), an Early Years Foundation Stage Profile must be completed providing a well-rounded illustration of a child’s knowledge, understanding and abilities, their progress against the goals, their readiness for Year 1 and other helpful information. This profile will be shared with each child’s school.

We encourage all forms of assessment to be a mutual process.

For full information on the EYFS, please click here.

To see an example of a comprehensive weekly newsletter, please here.